I'm supposed to be at work today, but my son, who is in Preschool, found out that his class trip was to Christmas Play downtown, and has refused to go to school. He thought his class was going on "an adventure", which is what his teacher told him. But he was informed by his older sister, in grade two and is also going, that it's a Play. "Well, I'm not going to that! You'll keep my home right mommy?".
Now...I realize I might be contributing to him thinking he has power over his life at the moment, but really, I can't blame him. He's not one to sit and watch something, I can barely entertain him through events that are half an hour let alone a whole Play. I can't imagine taking a group of 5yr olds to something like that, his teachers deserve a medal. So..we'll stay home. It's something I can do, so I will.
But while sitting here thinking about what I'll do at work tomorrow ("But you ARE going to school tomorrow without a fuss right?!) I came up with a new product I'm going to whip up and put on the site this weekend (if my sister, who is my tech support and who just had a baby two weeks ago can find half an hour to do some work for me). It's a necklace with four pendants that you can swap.
I'm excited. It's not revolutionary, but it's so fun to be able to just change the pendants that I think it will be a good product.
Don't laugh at my little sketch. That's my work for today!